MHA Board of Directors

Leslie Kleppe 

Leslie Kleppe is the Minnesota Homeschoolers’ Alliance board president.  She lives in southeast Minnesota with her husband and two daughters, and has been homeschooling for eleven years.  What started out as civil disobedience, her homeschooling journey is a way of life that she wouldn’t change!  Her homeschooling approach is eclectic, utilizing literature, field trips, games, and nature as her curriculum as much as possible.  During her free time, Leslie enjoys weekend adventures with her family, reading, and planning homeschool activities and classes.




Amber Madoll 

Representing the Northeast Corner of Minnesota, Amber lives outside of Duluth in a neighboring township. She serves as the Treasurer for the Minnesota Homeschoolers’ Alliance, and has three children with health challenges whom she has homeschooled over the years. Her eldest just finished his first college degree, her middle child is obtaining her associates’ degree through PSEO and will be graduating high school spring 2022, and her youngest child is in the middle of her elementary learning experience. Amber practices year-round learning that is secular and eclectic in style. She is a great point person to reach out to if you have questions about transitioning from public/charter school into homeschooling, are seeking advice on teaching children with diverse learning needs, and/or if you are looking for ideas on utilizing eclectic/unschooling resources. Amber can be reached at


Katie Kouba

Hi!  I’m Katie and I serve as the Secretary for Minnesota Homeschoolers’ Alliance.  I’m truly introverted by nature, enjoying down time and QUIET (did I say that too loudly?).  I love good books, podcasts and TV series that have proven they’re worthwhile 🙂 My MBA self loves getting nerdy about communications and organization, while my homeschool mom self geeks out about a good history study or watching my kids learn a new skill.  Our family has lived “way down south” in Worthington–one of the top five most diverse cities in Minnesota–for seven years.  Sensing the need to free our children to a customized lifestyle and education, we made the countercultural pre-pandemic decision to pull our kids out of our well-loved public school district in the fall of 2019.  I network with homeschool groups in surrounding counties and collaborate to create opportunities for the growing community in our city and region.  I am passionate about connection, information and community, and I love working alongside rockstar MHA parents and educators from other parts of the state!

Join the MHA Board!

As a board member of the Minnesota Homeschooler’s Alliance you have the opportunity to connect with families across the state, help answer their homeschool questions, provide insight, guidance, and support, connect families to one another, and help give voice to homeschooling issues at a state level. It is a very impactful experience. It also comes with a set of responsibilities.

  • Board members attend monthly board meetings via zoom. During this time board members discuss official business as a 501c3, work on upcoming events and activities, and hear from the general public. 
  • They are responsible for the organization’s wellbeing and are responsible for managing its finances, communications, and activities with commitment and integrity.
  • Many board members also sit in a leadership role to help support sub-areas of the organization, such as financial officer, website designer, regional liaison, etc. This is a great opportunity to share your specific strengths and skill sets with the organization. 
  • Other board members might volunteer for specific events and activities, such as the annual science fair or convention.
  • Board members represent other regional families and give their local communities a voice at the state level. This helps ensure that MHA represents all of Minnesota!

For those interested in joining the MHA board, we ask that they complete an application and a non-disclosure statement, attend three board meetings in a row, commit to consistently attending future board meetings and commit to a two year term serving on the board. If interested in joining the board, please contact us as